- BTB Gorean RPer
- Friendly and approachable, everyone gets my respect until they lose it.
Mael Brigantes is a Builder, originally hailing from Thentis. He had been travelling Gor to further his studies in construction and artifice in order to see how different cities and locations have approached designs based on their local circumstances, or created new inventions to solve local problems.
Having arrived at Turmus, he fell in love with the beautiful city and its people, and has decided to settle here and swear to the Turmus Homestone. After a time residing in Turmus, he has been honoured by the Ubar Bactu with the role of Builder Head of Caste.
Prone to a level of absent-mindedness due to constantly focusing on the latest design to have caught his interest, conversation with Mael can often range from a level of vagueness as if he's not quite paying attention, to extreme levels of enthusiasm once you're talking about something to do with his line of work.