Lottyx Yuhara



Registered 2018-04-04 19:14:53
K/D 1.25:1
Binds 1:3
Bandages 1:2


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Lottyx Yuhara Heian Paule 11:37:06 am Rocca di Saphronicus
Lottyx Yuhara CagnettaRicca 10:07:35 am Rocca di Saphronicus

Lottyx Yuhara mikedirnt Coage 6:49:45 am Port Kar (ita)
Lottyx Yuhara mikedirnt Coage 6:48:44 am Port Kar (ita)

PapercutKirigami Lottyx Yuhara 1:12:22 pm Ghost Wraiths
Venat Starlight Lottyx Yuhara 1:11:11 pm Ghost Wraiths
Lottyx Yuhara JensenXDean 1:11:09 pm Ghost Wraiths
Lottyx Yuhara moogy Erin 12:47:01 pm Blackwater Mers

babbels Bekkers Lottyx Yuhara 2:00:34 pm The City of Corcyrus

Lottyx Yuhara VaIfreyja 10:32:45 am Blood Brothers
Lottyx Yuhara VaIfreyja 10:32:31 am Blood Brothers
Avaliine Lottyx Yuhara 10:26:17 am Blood Brothers

PinnOne Resident Lottyx Yuhara 5:16:36 am Forest Moon / Talender...

Nummy Leborski Lottyx Yuhara 4:08:28 pm Blood Brothers , Angui...
Nummy Leborski Lottyx Yuhara 4:06:28 pm Blood Brothers , Angui...
Lottyx Yuhara Lottyx Yuhara 2:08:18 pm Blood Brothers , Angui...
Fruidilingua Resident Lottyx Yuhara 2:07:43 pm Blood Brothers , Angui...
Fruidilingua Resident Lottyx Yuhara 2:06:40 pm Blood Brothers , Angui...
shakazullu Lottyx Yuhara 9:43:29 am Turian Nights
shakazullu Lottyx Yuhara 9:41:35 am Turian Nights
shakazullu Lottyx Yuhara 9:40:03 am Turian Nights
Lottyx Yuhara VaIfreyja 9:40:00 am Turian Nights

Lottyx Yuhara Lottyx Yuhara 4:32:52 pm Blood Brothers , Angui...
Lottyx Yuhara Selvaggia Tremor 3:06:47 pm Blood Brothers , Angui...
Lottyx Yuhara deeahna 2:54:17 pm Blood Brothers , Angui...

Lottyx Yuhara maaximum 8:11:14 am Blackwater Mercs

Fruidilingua Lottyx Yuhara 1:37:14 pm Black Pearls

Lottyx Yuhara Lottyx Yuhara 1:18:40 pm City of Venna [BTB] ITA

Lottyx Yuhara Gunnarr Falodir 1:19:13 pm Black Pearls

xDarksoulReaperx Lottyx Yuhara 10:17:05 am Mystic Forests - Holmb...