


Registered 2017-10-25 08:09:18
K/D 1:11
Binds 1:2.4
Bandages 1:1.6

Llena Sand

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur. Quis aute iure reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.


  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)



LlenaSand (Ve'ra Eshe Panther band) LlenaSand (Ve'ra Eshe Panther band) 12:20:45 pm Isle of Sin - Sin's Ba...

LlenaSand (Ve'ra Eshe Panther band) LlenaSand (Ve'ra Eshe Panther band) 12:05:20 pm Ve'ra Eshe Panther band

Heather Ulich LlenaSand (Ve'ra Eshe Panther band) 10:05:20 am Ve'ra Eshe Panther band
Heather Ulich LlenaSand (Ve'ra Eshe Panther band) 10:01:16 am Ve'ra Eshe Panther band

Heather Ulich LlenaSand 9:41:58 am Sa Ki Fori
Heather Ulich LlenaSand 9:30:35 am Sa Ki Fori
Heather Ulich LlenaSand 9:26:58 am Sa Ki Fori

megansaintclaire LlenaSand (Ve'ra Eshe Panther band) 8:01:12 am Ve'ra Eshe Panther band
megansaintclaire LlenaSand (Ve'ra Eshe Panther band) 7:59:28 am Ve'ra Eshe Panther band
megansaintclaire LlenaSand (Ve'ra Eshe Panther band) 7:56:00 am Ve'ra Eshe Panther band

Edgard Olifone LlenaSand (Ve'ra Eshe Panther band) 8:26:23 am Ve'ra Eshe Panther band
Edgard Olifone LlenaSand (Ve'ra Eshe Panther band) 8:24:40 am Ve'ra Eshe Panther band

LlenaSand (Ve'ra Eshe Panther band) LlenaSand (Ve'ra Eshe Panther band) 2:25:02 am Ve'ra Eshe Panther band

LlenaSand (Ve'ra Eshe Panther band) LlenaSand (Ve'ra Eshe Panther band) 1:28:53 am Ve'ra Eshe Panther band

kyrakhan (Tri'Moon Panthers and Darkport Pirates) LlenaSand 6:57:55 am zima Ak'am, ice Fang, ...
Le Kroll (Ve'ra Eshe Panther band) LlenaSand 6:52:23 am zima Ak'am, ice Fang, ...
LlenaSand Le Kroll (Ve'ra Eshe Panther band) 6:52:17 am zima Ak'am, ice Fang, ...
Leda Oryl (zima Ak'am, ice Fang, Tharna Silver Road) LlenaSand 6:46:34 am zima Ak'am, ice Fang, ...

LlenaSand SallyWilde 8:03:11 am Ve'ra Eshe Panther band

Danielle008 (Forests of Gor - BtB Outpost & Dani's Band & Gazette Office) LlenaSand 1:32:19 pm Forests of Gor - BtB O...
Danielle008 (Forests of Gor - BtB Outpost & Dani's Band & Gazette Office) LlenaSand 1:32:19 pm Forests of Gor - BtB O...
Danielle008 (Forests of Gor - BtB Outpost & Dani's Band & Gazette Office) LlenaSand 1:31:37 pm Forests of Gor - BtB O...
Elzbieta98 LlenaSand 1:30:01 pm Forests of Gor - BtB O...
Collin Daines (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) LlenaSand 1:26:53 pm Forests of Gor - BtB O...
Drevin Karu (Forests of Gor - BtB Outpost & Dani's Band & Gazette Office) LlenaSand 1:23:43 pm Forests of Gor - BtB O...
Drevin Karu (Forests of Gor - BtB Outpost & Dani's Band & Gazette Office) LlenaSand 1:22:37 pm Forests of Gor - BtB O...
Elzbieta98 LlenaSand 1:14:34 pm Forests of Gor - BtB O...
LlenaSand Elzbieta98 1:14:20 pm Forests of Gor - BtB O...
LlenaSand Lily Littlepaws (Forests of Gor - BtB Outpost & Dani's Band & Gazette Office) 1:11:51 pm Forests of Gor - BtB O...
Elzbieta98 LlenaSand 1:10:36 pm Forests of Gor - BtB O...
LlenaSand Elzbieta98 1:10:35 pm Forests of Gor - BtB O...

LlenaSand Yelyth 7:46:47 am Forests of Gor - BtB O...

Nastya Damiano Elzbieta98 2:31:24 pm Forests of Gor - BtB O...
LlenaSand jessicah122 2:31:07 pm Forests of Gor - BtB O...
littleblackkittycat1979 LlenaSand 2:02:26 pm Forests of Gor - BtB O...