Lillybett Latrell

Lillybett Wolf Clan


Registered 2024-06-21 16:54:23
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Lillybett Latrell Glaciallis

Owner, LL Designs,,Lilly's Closet| taken thank you but do
Drop in at my Seaside Shop, pick up a fancy gown for a special evening

"If I am quiet there is a reason, anger, hurt , disapointment, or just need time to sort things out. It is best not to push it if i want you to know I will tell you."

Never forget people make avis. and they have feelings
try not to trample them or use them Take care what you say its how it is taken not how you ment it often.

If I am in RP remember This is my RP...Mine! do not try to change it!

I am a Viking girl from another village and clan but have been blessed to be saved by a good man. My village was sacked my father clan leader was killed as was my mother. My sister and I were to be sold as slaves. During a dark night in the slave ship i spied land using a shard i cut my ropes and slid from under my blanket into the cold water to swim to the island. Cold wet bruised and hungry I wondered what this land had in store for me. He found me on the rocks and took me to his fire. I have since cooked for him and being a fighter I am training again . I do not plan to be taken or watched this land be raided and friends killed.

There are people in here i will never forget no matter what. Some passed on some just are different time zones some left sl either way 3>them
I will love to meet you all.....


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