Lexa Daines

Asel Alecksmum Ragnivard


Registered 2017-08-21 18:21:47
Binds 1:2
Bandages 2.5:1

Asel Thorngard Ragnivard

Asel: Long A + sell. (Aaaayyy-Sell)
Explorer of everything... ;)
>Asel Thorngard...of House of Thorngard<
>Also a Ragnivard of Honor Before Glory<
>Also a járnmund of the House of Bees & Mead<
RETIRED~ No Longer in Gor ~


Lexa Daines does not belong to any groups.


  • Heavy Pockets
    Those are quite the heavy pockets. (100xp)



Rosa Rodas (Starlight Station) Lexa Daines 12:46:48 pm Starlight Station

Lexa Daines Lexa Daines 1:09:38 am Runefalls Honor

javis1ironfist (Ravandal Fjord) Lexa Daines 10:48:16 pm Runefalls Honor

Lexa Daines Chadokahn 5:47:40 pm Runefalls Honor
Lexa Daines Chadokahn 5:42:38 pm Runefalls Honor

Lexa Daines Lexa Daines 11:05:21 am Laura - The Northern F...
Mallairian Lexa Daines 9:20:28 am Runefalls Honor
Lexa Daines Lexa Daines 9:17:58 am Runefalls Honor
DMarshMallow Lexa Daines 9:11:05 am Runefalls Honor

Lexa Daines julie Rae 3:28:51 pm Runefalls Honor

Lexa Daines Hannah Doran 9:58:05 pm Runefalls Honor
Lexa Daines Hannah Doran 9:55:00 pm Runefalls Honor
Lexa Daines Hannah Doran 9:49:12 pm Runefalls Honor

Lexa Daines Elusive Cristole 11:16:53 am Runefalls Honor
Lexa Daines Elusive Cristole 11:14:14 am Runefalls Honor

Lexa Daines Troy Release 6:54:29 pm Runefalls Honor
Lexa Daines Troy Release 6:48:10 pm Runefalls Honor
Lexa Daines Demetrius Braveheart 6:46:54 pm Runefalls Honor