Jessika Roberts ~ Have Quill, Will Travel ~ * Accompanied by two guards - Heckle and Jeckle *
Registered | 2024-05-22 20:29:01 | |
K/D | N/A | Binds | N/A |
Bandages | N/A |
~ Companioned by Vasator of the Warriors of Farnacium ~
Gor is a wonderful, beautiful place.
I've read sixteen of the novels, and they constantly talk about how Gor is better than Earth. The skies are bright, the air is clear, and the people live by honor. They protect the environment and love wildlife. Gorean men show their emotions, and they love children. Goreans love leisure and the arts, and they aren't racist.
The people of Gor are mostly good people, and they seek happiness in themselves and in others.
Gor is patriarchal, but I don't think that's a bad thing. I'm a Gorean lifestyler, and I believe in the natural order, that men naturally evolved to be dominant, and women naturally evolved to be submissive. There are exceptions, but they are not the norm.
Gor has some mean and horrible people, but so does Earth.
People love each other on Gor, and are nice to each other, and help each other ... just like on Earth.
Gor isn't a bad place, and people who are mean and callous and bitter and who hurt other people aren't normal.
Yes, slavery exists on Gor, but it exists on Earth, too. Only one in twenty women on Gor is ever enslaved. That means 95 percent of all women on Gor remain free all of their long lives, despite wars and slavers and other bad things happening.
Life is relatively good for most slaves, according to the books, and many slaves find happiness in being one. While slaves in general wish to be free, and they can be punished for little or no reason, they are typically treated with kindness. The lives of city slaves were, in the books, compared in many ways to the lives of traditional housewives in the United States ... boring housework and chores followed by spending social time with other slaves in the city square.
Just because some bad people exist doesn't give you an excuse to be a bad person, either in SL or in RL. You should strive to be a good person instead.
SL Gor gives people a chance to show their true selves.
If you play a bitter, callous, nasty person in SL Gor, I'll assume you're a bitter, callous, nasty person in RL.
If you play an evil person in SL Gor, I'll assume you're an evil person in RL.
I'm currently a free woman, but I'm always a scribe, even if just in my heart when I'm collared upon my knees. I have as much ink in my veins as blood.
I'm serving as Magistrate and AHoC for the city of Farnacium, as well as being a correspondent for the Gorean Grape Vine newspaper