Janos Jungsten
A Scribe and a Minstrel.
Originally hailing from Iron Walls Inlet in Torvaldsland, the youngest and smallest of 12 children, born to a mighty Warrior, Rovold "Iron Fist" Jungsten of Iron Walls Inlet, and his Woman, Anghared Skollsdottir. Being the tiniest in the Family Jungsten, Janos was always targeted by his considerably taller and larger siblings. When able to escape the torment and constant harassment, he found a freedom in the local Temple of Torvaldsland, where the Runic Priest taught him the fundamentals of reading and writing.
During the late Autumn of his fifteenth year, young Janos was studying, sitting in the corner of the Priest's private alcove, when he was rendered unconscious and abducted by marauding slavers, who invaded Iron Walls Inlet, leaving behind broken and burned building and the bodies of those who were murdered.
Taken to the Cosian Islands, with the intent of being sold on the Street of Brands in the City of Telnus, Janos managed to escape his captors, where he hid in plain sight, until meeting a Member of the Caste of Minstrels and Poets. The Minstrel, Mortain, took young Janos under his wing, teaching him to play musical instruments and to sing. Mortain brought Janos with him in his travels, visiting most of the Cities which dotted the length of the Mighty River Vosk, always in search of the next Song or Poem,
Traveling with Mortain for three years, the duo landed at Jort's Ferry, where they turned north and followed the caravan route to the City of Rarn. It was here, in Rarn, where Janos decided to set out on his own, taking a position with a Master Merchant's caravan, as an assistant to the caravan's Cook and Smith. The caravan headed north from Rarn, wending its way to the Road of Cyprianus, turning West to follow the caravan route to Ko-Ro-Ba.
With an ever increasing interest in learning and gaining new experiences, Janos applied to to become a student with the Caste of Scribes, where he was placed with the Scribe Torm, a Senior Member of the Caste of Scribes, of the City of Ko-Ro-Ba. Under Torm's watchful eye, his irascible temprament, his thirst for knowledge and his desire to always be able to clothe thought in different garb, Janos learned to love his studies in all subjects.
When Torm decided that Janos had gained the level of education and knowledge required, he took Janos before the assembled Elders of the Caste of Scribes, and also the Council of Ko-Ro-Ba, where Janos was elevated in Rank and Status, from a member of the Caste of Warriors, to a Full Scribe and member of the Caste of Scribes.
Small, yes, but with knowledge and abilities...
Born in 9,723, Contasta Ar. (From the Founding of Ar)
FIrst Scribe of Tarnstad and Mentor to Apprentices
Elder of the Blue Caste of Gor and a traveling Magistrate.
Always seeking new knowledge and experience.
If you say "By the Books," it had better not be the Luther Scrolls, as they have little or nothing to do with the Chronicles of Gor.
When it comes to BDSM, this is considered in Gor to be a grave mental illness, as no self-respecting Gorean would ever adhere to this nonsense.
I don't RP "By the Books." I AM the Books.