Dismal Cloud



Registered 2018-04-27 11:23:35
K/D 1.2:1
Binds 2.73:1
Bandages 1.61:1

Dismal Cloud

Dismal Cloud does not have a bio.


  • Banker
    You're now officially the elite. (100xp)
  • Heavy Saver
    I'll keep that safe for you, promise. (25xp)
  • Heavy Pockets
    Those are quite the heavy pockets. (100xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



LyLeah Silverblade Dismal Cloud (The Alar) 6:18:53 am The Alar

Dismal Cloud (Imperial Cos : Telnus) The Cat 4:29:07 am Port Kar

Dismal Cloud (Imperial Cos : Telnus) Moaniq (City of Tarn Ridge) 5:37:52 pm Imperial Cos : Telnus
Dismal Cloud (Imperial Cos : Telnus) Skadhi Kronsage 2:52:16 pm Shiva Sa'ng Sar~Northe...
Ezio Sabretooth (Imperial Cos : Telnus) Dismal Cloud (Imperial Cos : Telnus) 2:42:40 pm Shiva Sa'ng Sar~Northe...
Deviant Infinity Dismal Cloud (Imperial Cos : Telnus) 2:40:53 pm Shiva Sa'ng Sar~Northe...
AstraelKara (Imperial Cos : Telnus) Dismal Cloud (Imperial Cos : Telnus) 2:39:02 pm Shiva Sa'ng Sar~Northe...
thundersorrow Dismal Cloud (Imperial Cos : Telnus) 2:37:10 pm Shiva Sa'ng Sar~Northe...
AstraelKara (Imperial Cos : Telnus) Dismal Cloud (Imperial Cos : Telnus) 2:36:02 pm Shiva Sa'ng Sar~Northe...
Dismal Cloud (Imperial Cos : Telnus) Aloff 7:08:24 am Imperial Cos : Telnus
Dismal Cloud (Imperial Cos : Telnus) Elysium Evergarden (Rorus) 5:45:42 am Imperial Cos : Telnus

Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) Deviant Infinity 1:09:44 am Imperial Cos : Telnus

Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) Moaniq (City of Tarn Ridge) 11:09:57 am Imperial Cos : Telnus
Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) Nofuxgibbon 10:12:02 am Imperial Cos : Telnus

Tyat (City of Turmus) Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) 10:21:51 am Imperial Cos : Telnus
Tyat (City of Turmus) Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) 10:20:46 am Imperial Cos : Telnus

Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) Brinkoinsanity 2:42:32 pm Imperial Cos : Telnus
Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) Brinkoinsanity 2:41:24 pm Imperial Cos : Telnus

Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) Jetis Umia 3:22:29 pm Oasis of Sahkar

Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) Adver Wise 3:20:34 pm Imperial Cos : Telnus

Riddick Vortex Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) 3:23:46 am Hell
Riddick Vortex Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) 3:22:12 am Hell
Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) AvengelyneX 2:35:28 am Hell

Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) AvengelyneX 2:32:02 am Hell
Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) AvengelyneX 2:31:26 am Hell

Enzo Amore Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) 1:17:28 pm Nile River
Zane Kanze (Village of Jorvik) Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) 1:15:36 pm Nile River

Dismal Cloud (The Alar) Demizia 2:05:11 pm Mirkwood Forest
Dismal Cloud (The Alar) Demizia 12:08:27 pm Secret Bay
Dismal Cloud (The Alar) Demizia 12:08:26 pm Secret Bay
Dismal Cloud (The Alar) Demizia 12:06:46 pm Valkyrie Forest

Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) WolfOnTheHorizon 3:00:36 am Nile River
Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) WolfOnTheHorizon 2:59:32 am Nile River

Milk (The Lost City) Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) 10:07:37 am The Lost City
Ravenna Vandervoort Dismal Cloud (Isle of Thera) 10:03:59 am The Lost City