
Captured Region Date
AngelEyes Kittinger The City of Hochburg 2020·05·13 11:29:16 am
Petal Flinders The City of Hochburg 2020·05·13 11:29:12 am
phoebewolfie27 [Goya VI Tyr] 2020·04·23 8:57:03 am
aldjewnwi Savira Port Cos 2020·04·14 9:20:01 am
Tinetta Kegel Isles of Thassa 2020·04·14 7:30:50 am
JT Drathman Port Cos 2020·04·13 11:36:20 am
Frankenbear Writer Port Cos 2020·04·09 10:20:32 am
MissBeveley Skerry of Einar 2019·03·28 12:20:56 pm
MissBeveley Skerry of Einar 2019·03·28 12:08:32 pm
jjeemmm Skerry of Einar 2019·03·28 12:03:20 pm


Attacker Region Date
Flavius Voxel [Goya VI Tyr] 2020·05·14 9:28:50 am
Dalia Mayako [Goya Vi Tyr] 2020·04·15 6:13:51 am
Anea Helmutsport 2020·04·14 10:22:46 am
Tinetta Kegel Isles of Thassa 2020·04·14 7:30:51 am
Simply Velvet Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers 2020·04·06 11:49:24 am
Pwnography The City of Hochburg 2020·04·01 1:32:59 pm
EntropyS The City of Hochburg 2020·04·01 8:58:19 am
Frankenbear Writer Port Cos 2020·03·31 12:01:42 pm
Megan Winterfeld Kalana Woods 2020·03·23 11:43:48 am
javis1ironfist Secret Bay 2020·02·11 8:53:34 am


Bound Region Date
JT Drathman Port Cos 2020·04·13 11:39:00 am
MissBeveley Skerry of Einar 2019·03·28 12:22:22 pm
jjeemmm Skerry of Einar 2019·03·28 12:04:08 pm
BlackKissy Skerry of Einar 2018·06·27 12:15:22 pm
Thunderspawn Skerry of Einar 2018·06·20 12:04:34 pm
Yzmee Skerry of Einar 2018·06·20 6:26:31 am
anamarie2 Skerry of Einar 2018·06·20 6:23:29 am


Binder Region Date
Flavius Voxel [Goya VI Tyr] 2020·05·14 9:31:21 am
Thunderspawn Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers 2020·04·06 11:49:21 am
Charlottesun Port Cos 2020·03·31 12:05:31 pm
javis1ironfist Secret Bay 2020·02·11 8:54:48 am
noemie Ling Forest Moon / Talender Moon Panthers 2018·10·18 11:01:10 am
JessicaDawkins Castrum Tertium 2018·06·22 10:11:08 am
GucciRush Castrum Tertium 2018·06·22 10:07:05 am
deeahna Skerry of Einar 2018·06·16 7:38:02 am
EthanMarcus Skerry of Einar 2018·06·16 7:34:18 am
Adio Magic Shekinah Arani / Tiri Me Toruis Panthers 2018·06·14 8:50:50 am


Region Date
Atria Isle 2021·08·03 9:19:15 am
[Goya Vi Tyr] 2020·04·15 6:14:12 am
Forgotten Tales 2020·03·24 8:53:32 am
Forgotten Tales 2020·03·23 11:56:30 am
Skerry of Einar 2019·03·26 9:30:19 am
Skerry of Einar 2018·10·25 7:50:48 am
Skerry of Einar 2018·10·25 7:50:16 am
Skerry of Einar 2018·09·19 8:09:38 am
Skerry of Einar 2018·09·11 6:06:08 am
Skerry of Einar 2018·07·05 9:01:10 am


Killer Victim Date
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