Darius Wilberg

✫ House Wilberg ✫ ✫ HoC Merchants ✫ ✫✫ Owner of Kariss ✫✫ ✫✫ Kelly and Safira ✫✫


Registered 2019-06-03 04:50:43
Binds N/A
Bandages N/A

Darius Wilberg

" when you stop making excuses for how people act and start holding them accountable ....then you'll have progress.

Darius Wilberg Oct 11 2016"

"No slave should be held higher than ones home stone. It's not Gorean."

All the L's in Second Life wont make you beautiful on the inside. You have to start that way.


  • Heavy Pockets
    Those are quite the heavy pockets. (100xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
There has been no activity for this user.



VadikObrecht Darius Wilberg 6:09:19 pm Njordheim
VadikObrecht Darius Wilberg 6:04:13 pm Njordheim

Darius Wilberg Kat Dollinger 4:25:45 am Falarian Vineyards
Darius Wilberg Kat Dollinger 4:24:44 am Falarian Vineyards

Harry Horchester Darius Wilberg 7:38:04 pm Island of Svago
Artashes Darius Wilberg 7:33:20 pm Island of Svago
Artashes Darius Wilberg 7:28:23 pm Island of Svago
MaddoxMasterson Darius Wilberg 7:20:00 pm Island of Svago
OtohikoTakeda Darius Wilberg 7:19:26 pm Island of Svago
TheForeignLegion Darius Wilberg 7:18:18 pm Island of Svago