Registered | 2019-01-22 02:15:15 | |
K/D | 2.37:1 | Binds | 1.53:1 |
Bandages | 1.96:1 |
Valkyrie Torva Chieftess (on this rp account). Valkyrie Forest sim owner (on alt admin account: ValkyrieForest Resident). Norwegian American girl rl. Our story:
http://www.valkyriepanthers.com/valkyrie-stories.html Valkyrie Forest LM: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Valkyrie%20Forest/220/95/26 "I raise my flag and dye my clothes. It's a revolution, I suppose." A door closes, another opens, a new age. Speaking of endings and new beginnings, Macy Kate: https://youtu.be/P6qFCqOy3HU
Dagny Ravenhurst has set their history to private, it is only visible to them.