Live Free or Die


Registered 2017-04-17 18:05:20
K/D 1:3.12
Binds 1:1.64
Bandages 1:1.11


limits....take your pixel sex and find a noob.....
no piss scat or anything that is gutter
nothing perm...
I am not a para....
Act like an ass get an ass
DO NOT GET INTO MY IMS AND BITCH! don't like something I did or didnt do?? to bad so sad get a life get a grip move the fuck on....



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Loose Change
    You might as well give your money away. (-10xp)
  • Easy Way Out
    Don't you feel special. (-50xp)
  • Viva La Resistance
    The sun is setting, it's time for the resistance to rise! (5xp)
  • You Failure
    But i'll award you this achievement anyway. (25xp)
  • The Mummy Returns
    Somehow you manage to spend most of your time bound. (25xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)



BINKES Resident (Teslit OutLaws) JesusDryke 1:35:00 am Argentum Mines
BINKES (Teslit OutLaws) JesusDryke 1:33:27 am Argentum Mines

JesusDryke BINKES (Teslit OutLaws) 10:20:07 pm Schendi Savages
JesusDryke BINKES (Teslit OutLaws) 10:18:58 pm Schendi Savages
JesusDryke BINKES (Teslit OutLaws) 10:18:13 pm Schendi Savages
JesusDryke BINKES (Teslit OutLaws) 10:17:28 pm Schendi Savages
JesusDryke BINKES (Teslit OutLaws) 10:15:12 pm Schendi Savages
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Menagerie Bayn (Argentum Mines) BINKES (Teslit OutLaws) 5:40:32 pm LR Weapons / Nidavelli...
BINKES (Teslit OutLaws) Hacci Shamrock 5:37:36 pm LR Weapons / Nidavelli...
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Enzime Portal (Teslit OutLaws) BINKES (Teslit OutLaws) 5:31:12 pm LR Weapons / Nidavelli...
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LilBrattyk (The Alar) BINKES (Teslit OutLaws) 5:26:30 pm LR Weapons / Nidavelli...
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Harley Hexem (Marsh Wood Pirates) BINKES (Teslit OutLaws) 3:27:44 pm Sunholm Highlands
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Tatianna Starostin (The Alar) BINKES (Teslit OutLaws) 3:25:46 pm Sunholm Highlands
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SatinSara (Nixheim) BINKES (Teslit OutLaws) 3:23:00 pm Sunholm Highlands
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