


Registered 2024-11-22 19:37:08
K/D 1:4.2
Binds N/A
Bandages 1:2.43

Asteronix the Builder

May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields.



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



Asterionsix (The Alar) ChrissyCheress Nandahar (Lost Ruins of Schendi) 4:55:30 am Lost Ruins of Schendi

Asterionsix (The Alar) Echoscreams (Topanga Canyon) 5:05:34 pm Topanga Canyon
Asterionsix (The Alar) Lucinda Selona (Topanga Canyon) 5:05:02 pm Topanga Canyon
Asterionsix (The Alar) Marjani Tracer (Topanga Canyon) 5:04:58 pm Topanga Canyon
Asterionsix (The Alar) BreezeMelon 12:27:54 am Siba
Asterionsix (The Alar) Sushi065 (CTF, Spar & Chill) 12:26:15 am Siba

Asterionsix (The Alar) Sushi065 (CTF, Spar & Chill) 12:22:30 pm Black Corsairs
Skjoge (Siba) Asterionsix (The Alar) 12:19:34 pm Black Corsairs
Asterionsix (The Alar) Sushi065 (CTF, Spar & Chill) 12:18:57 pm Black Corsairs
Mitsubishy Asterionsix (The Alar) 12:18:54 pm Black Corsairs
Sushi065 (CTF, Spar & Chill) Asterionsix (The Alar) 12:15:11 pm Black Corsairs
TheaJatho (The Alar) Asterionsix (The Alar) 12:09:57 pm Black Corsairs
monguzzi (Marsh Wood Pirates) Asterionsix (The Alar) 12:07:27 pm Black Corsairs
Skjoge (Siba) Asterionsix (The Alar) 12:04:53 pm Black Corsairs

Asterionsix (The Alar) Naomi Bunny 11:11:26 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Asterionsix (The Alar) Abel2Traveler (The Alar) 11:10:41 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
TheaJatho (The Alar) Asterionsix (The Alar) 11:10:35 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
RAMINA083 (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) Asterionsix (The Alar) 11:08:12 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
NiaLuna (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) Asterionsix (The Alar) 11:03:03 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
muffinman22 Asterionsix (The Alar) 11:02:57 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
NiaLuna (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) Asterionsix (The Alar) 11:01:25 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Asterionsix (The Alar) Abel2Traveler (The Alar) 11:01:04 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Asterionsix (The Alar) Abel2Traveler (The Alar) 10:57:55 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers

Asterionsix (The Alar) TheaJatho (The Alar) 11:34:25 am Siba
TheaJatho (The Alar) Asterionsix (The Alar) 11:34:23 am Siba
TheaJatho (The Alar) Asterionsix (The Alar) 11:33:41 am Siba
Cayne Forager (Village of Gimli) Asterionsix (The Alar) 11:31:31 am Siba
Cayne Forager (Village of Gimli) Asterionsix (The Alar) 11:30:30 am Siba
Skjoge (Siba) Asterionsix (The Alar) 11:29:02 am Siba

Jennifer Lethdetter (Deadly Sinners) Asterionsix (The Alar) 8:28:00 pm The Alar
Menagerie Bayn (Argentum Mines) Asterionsix (The Alar) 8:26:17 pm The Alar
Keymosabi Voxel Asterionsix (The Alar) 8:24:35 pm The Alar
Jennifer Lethdetter (Deadly Sinners) Asterionsix (The Alar) 8:18:38 pm The Alar
Nummy Leborski (Argentum Mines) Asterionsix (The Alar) 8:15:46 pm The Alar
Keymosabi Voxel Asterionsix (The Alar) 8:14:11 pm The Alar