


Registered 2023-07-15 22:54:05
K/D 1.95:1
Binds 1:3.4
Bandages 1.75:1


Professional thief

I will appreciate, that if I am sneaking around, don't spot me so easily and let us RP a little. We can also roll to see if I am detected. I will be playing sneaking animation


Aloff does not belong to any groups.


  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)



Allan Frostbite Aloff 8:00:07 am The Isle of Tyros - BTB

XxKaiserSozexX Aloff 1:40:00 pm City of Holmesk
Aloff MrWhisker 1:37:41 pm City of Holmesk
XxKaiserSozexX Aloff 1:36:57 pm City of Holmesk

Aloff shelly Putzo 5:56:57 am Topanga Canyon
Aloff shelly Putzo 5:54:49 am Topanga Canyon

Aloff Nate Jonstone (Dreki Clan) 2:21:22 pm Dreki Clan
Aloff Nate Jonstone (Dreki Clan) 2:20:09 pm Dreki Clan

Aloff BelleWhitlocke (Dreki Clan) 2:35:39 pm Dreki Clan
Aloff BelleWhitlocke (Dreki Clan) 2:34:06 pm Dreki Clan

Aloff Violet325 ([Torvaldsland] - Solheim - BTB Gorean Roleplay) 3:15:16 pm City of Turmus

Aloff Masolus Alonzo (- Port Victoria -) 4:01:56 pm City of Turmus
Aloff Masolus Alonzo (- Port Victoria -) 4:00:08 pm City of Turmus

Henrius Corvinus (City of Thentis-BTB Gor) Aloff 2:04:29 pm City of Thentis-BTB Gor
Willilicious Georgette (City of Thentis-BTB Gor) Aloff 2:00:13 pm City of Thentis-BTB Gor
Aloff Henrius Corvinus (City of Thentis-BTB Gor) 1:58:40 pm City of Thentis-BTB Gor

Aloff Kurt Fenstalker 1:59:53 pm Noddfa Village

Aloff Liam Whitesong (The Lost City) 1:48:58 pm Noddfa Village
Aloff Liam Whitesong (The Lost City) 1:47:50 pm Noddfa Village
Aloff Kurt Fenstalker 1:45:56 pm Noddfa Village
Aloff Liam Whitesong (The Lost City) 1:23:57 pm Noddfa Village

Dismal Cloud (Imperial Cos : Telnus) Aloff 7:08:24 am Imperial Cos : Telnus

Aloff phaniar 2:07:45 pm City of Turmus
Aloff phaniar 2:00:07 pm City of Turmus
Aloff phaniar 1:58:37 pm City of Turmus

FranziSchmaul Aloff 12:05:12 pm Belnend
J0LANDA Aloff 12:03:39 pm Belnend
Aloff Ka0s Runner 12:03:24 pm Belnend
Aloff Yexing 12:02:38 pm Belnend
Aloff JamesBond Wolfhunter (Belnend) 12:01:02 pm Belnend
Aloff JamieLeon 12:01:00 pm Belnend
Aloff JamesBond Wolfhunter (Belnend) 11:58:42 am Belnend
Aloff FranziSchmaul 11:52:28 am Belnend
Aloff Syan Spicy (Port Cos GOR) 11:50:19 am Belnend
Aloff Pitu Pearl (Port Cos GOR) 11:46:57 am Belnend