Alexandra Marques

Head wound and amnesia


Registered 2017-06-27 03:40:37
K/D 1:16
Binds 1:4.13
Bandages 1:3

Alexandra Marquez Actually born on Gor- Therefore rarest of all creatures in Gor

I hate being so sexy but I am a REDHEAD so I cant help it

If a submission is important to you ego, move along it will never happen



  • Heavy Pockets
    Those are quite the heavy pockets. (100xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



WriterX Alexandra Marques 7:47:18 pm City of Turmus
WriterX Alexandra Marques 7:45:35 pm City of Turmus

ouplabot Alexandra Marques 10:23:45 am Northern Forest & The ...
ouplabot Alexandra Marques 10:23:23 am Northern Forest & The ...

Isolet Nightingale Alexandra Marques 8:54:21 am Village of Gimli
Isolet Nightingale Alexandra Marques 8:53:54 am Village of Gimli

Judas Exonar Alexandra Marques 7:54:40 pm Village of Gimli
Judas Exonar Alexandra Marques 7:53:34 pm Village of Gimli

Sable Greenwood (Rum Runners Cove) Alexandra Marques 7:46:04 pm Village of Gimli

Falling Alexandra Marques 11:09:02 am Caer Cadarn

RyanHossain Alexandra Marques 11:11:22 am Village of Gimli
RyanHossain Alexandra Marques 11:10:35 am Village of Gimli
RyanHossain Alexandra Marques 11:08:44 am Village of Gimli

Raizo Takeda (Isles of Tira) Alexandra Marques 12:50:31 pm DSO
Raizo Takeda (Isles of Tira) Alexandra Marques 12:49:27 pm DSO

Falling Alexandra Marques 8:05:54 pm Port Kar Outskirts
Alexandra Marques Alexandra Marques 10:08:42 am DSO
SirJackieEstacado Alexandra Marques 9:00:08 am DSO
SirJackieEstacado Alexandra Marques 8:56:36 am DSO
SirJackieEstacado Alexandra Marques 8:56:19 am DSO

Gianluca Claven Alexandra Marques 8:17:23 pm Hidden Forest
Gianluca Claven Alexandra Marques 8:15:47 pm Hidden Forest

Alexandra Marques Alexandra Marques 12:28:50 pm Hidden Forest

Spookdoctor Alexandra Marques 1:45:19 pm Port Tabor
Spookdoctor Alexandra Marques 1:42:46 pm Port Tabor
Spookdoctor Alexandra Marques 1:42:12 pm Port Tabor
Spookdoctor Alexandra Marques 1:40:51 pm Port Tabor
Spookdoctor Alexandra Marques 1:39:42 pm Port Tabor
Spookdoctor Alexandra Marques 1:38:09 pm Port Tabor
Spookdoctor Alexandra Marques 1:34:09 pm Port Tabor

Alexandra Marques Alexandra Marques 11:55:06 am Jad, Isle of Cos

Malefactum Vectoscope Alexandra Marques 1:07:52 pm Fort Haskin and the Ba...
Alexandra Marques Alexandra Marques 12:52:51 pm Fort Haskin and the Ba...

xKaneezx (Secret Bay) Alexandra Marques 11:11:28 am Sunholm Highland
xKaneezx (Secret Bay) Alexandra Marques 11:08:43 am Sunholm Highland