


Registered 2021-03-12 00:07:38
K/D 1:19.38
Binds 1:7.33
Bandages 1:3.89


Удивительно, но факт - все грозятся показать Кузькину мать, но НИКТО не рискует показать Кузькиного папу...

//^ ^\\ Put this puppy on your profile
(/(_•_)\) if you are against animal cruelty

Loves cats ......
...( =';'= )........


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  • Loose Change
    You might as well give your money away. (-10xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)



Morrigancalhoun (Siba) Alechandrosery 9:20:30 am Siba
Morrigancalhoun (Siba) Alechandrosery 9:07:31 am Siba
Morrigancalhoun (Siba) Alechandrosery 9:03:35 am Siba

aloneinshadow Alechandrosery 7:51:26 am Jungles of Ushindi
XXVladxx1223 Resident (Jungles of Ushindi) Alechandrosery 7:49:47 am Jungles of Ushindi
ScarletMatahari (Jungles of Ushindi) Alechandrosery 7:47:07 am Jungles of Ushindi

ScarletMatahari (Jungles of Ushindi) Alechandrosery 10:24:54 am Jungles of Ushindi
ScarletMatahari (Jungles of Ushindi) Alechandrosery 10:21:44 am Jungles of Ushindi
ScarletMatahari (Jungles of Ushindi) Alechandrosery 10:11:40 am Jungles of Ushindi

Isolde Bethune (Jungles of Ushindi) Alechandrosery 11:30:08 am Jungles of Ushindi
Isolde Bethune (Jungles of Ushindi) Alechandrosery 11:29:26 am Jungles of Ushindi
Isolde Bethune (Jungles of Ushindi) Alechandrosery 11:27:41 am Jungles of Ushindi
xRyeowookx Alechandrosery 8:57:28 am Village of Gimli
xRyeowookx Alechandrosery 8:39:39 am Topanga Canyon
xRyeowookx Alechandrosery 8:18:26 am Topanga Canyon
xRyeowookx Alechandrosery 8:17:08 am Topanga Canyon

Aoisla Luik (Village of Gimli) Alechandrosery 1:16:23 pm Village of Gimli
disillusionedwithlove Alechandrosery 1:15:47 pm Village of Gimli
Eskyrina Resident Alechandrosery 1:14:47 pm Village of Gimli
Aoisla Luik (Village of Gimli) Alechandrosery 1:11:38 pm Village of Gimli
Aoisla Luik (Village of Gimli) Alechandrosery 1:10:27 pm Village of Gimli
Alechandrosery disillusionedwithlove 12:54:58 pm Village of Gimli
disillusionedwithlove Alechandrosery 12:54:44 pm Village of Gimli
AnnekaTwice Alechandrosery 7:53:56 am Siba
AnnekaTwice Alechandrosery 7:51:51 am Siba
Huhrin Alechandrosery 6:35:22 am Siba
Huhrin Alechandrosery 6:34:12 am Siba

Aoisla Luik (Village of Gimli) Alechandrosery 3:12:06 pm Village of Gimli
Angelinyoureyess Alechandrosery 3:09:51 pm Village of Gimli
xindrix (Jungles of Ushindi) Alechandrosery 12:59:56 pm Jungles of Ushindi
xindrix (Jungles of Ushindi) Alechandrosery 12:56:26 pm Jungles of Ushindi
xindrix (Jungles of Ushindi) Alechandrosery 12:52:48 pm Jungles of Ushindi
Am Demina Alechandrosery 4:10:45 am Siba
Morrigancalhoun (Siba) Alechandrosery 4:07:20 am Siba

ChrissyCheress Nandahar (Lost Ruins of Schendi) Alechandrosery 2:43:35 pm Lost Ruins of Schendi