Aelita Biedermann



Registered 2021-09-08 01:12:03
Binds 1:3
Bandages N/A

Lokeana Stray

I have had a recent traumatic brain injury. I may be a little slower to pick things up. Please be patient.

Please check my picks, especially boundaries and limits. I am autistic snd sometimes don't understand social cutes. Please be open and honest with me. I do not see subtext and often see in black and white. I will not pick up hints.

I am STRICTLY seeking PLATONIC friendships right now due to personal reasons. If this boundary is not respected, expect me to pull away.

Chaos, Panic and Disorder.
My work here is done.



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



Sulkadahl (Topanga Canyon) Aelita Biedermann (Valkyrie Forest) 7:53:51 pm Valkyrie Forest
Sarilda Bernard (Topanga Canyon) Aelita Biedermann (Valkyrie Forest) 7:27:55 pm Valkyrie Forest
Leahmyn (Topanga Canyon) Aelita Biedermann (Valkyrie Forest) 7:25:23 pm Valkyrie Forest
Aelita Biedermann (Valkyrie Forest) AdomSisko 7:24:37 pm Valkyrie Forest

Donnie Flagon (Skjern Marauders) Aelita Biedermann (Valkyrie Forest) 2:10:14 pm Secret Bay

Aelita Biedermann (Valkyrie Forest) Lilsara Carissa 1:31:17 pm Valkyrie Forest

Aelita Biedermann (Valkyrie Forest) Aelita Biedermann (Valkyrie Forest) 11:31:45 pm Valkyrie Forest
Venilia Andel Aelita Biedermann (Valkyrie Forest) 1:26:54 am Valkyrie Forest
Venilia Andel Aelita Biedermann (Valkyrie Forest) 1:25:07 am Valkyrie Forest