Travis Cooper
Registered | 2017-12-13 08:02:06 | |
K/D | N/A | Binds | N/A |
Bandages | N/A |
(( i OBS record and or stream all of my encounters ))
I do not recognize GE as gorean .. i am BTB
i will not tolerate kid or bratty or bbg behavior
I will not tolerate liars or manipulator of any type
bending the truth to suit your needs or fabricating truth or word games and rule benders and limit pushers is a form of manipulation
or walking the thin grey line
no mind games or mind fuck..
builder of mesh and scriptor
biker and a role player , Gorean RP .. i do not read group or name tags nor do i chat about ooc in nearby rp seen unless all are ooc or a ooc event .. nor do i mix different styles of Rp tp out of a active RP seen .
if you do not have the weapon sheath on or item.. then you do not have that weapon or item.. you do not have what can not seen ..
MeiYuki Suisei (Village of Gimli) | Adrastos Aichi | 2:11:15 pm | Village of Gimli |