Gannon Querilo

Leif Skovgard


Registered 2019-08-01 16:35:43
Binds N/A
Bandages 2:1

Leif Śkövǧärd-ЌÃĮĹĮÃǗЌ

I am me, 'n tha' is all I can be. If ya dun like it, tis yer problem, na mine.

Always receptive ta IC interactions. Dun be afraid ta approach me via IM if yer too shy ta do so openly.

At the moment I only RP in Permia as a pirate. (All me ol' mates, shut yer mouths, no jokes lol.)

I'm Pansexual. And tisn't just an SL thing. I still be explorin me own sexuality, but am quite comfortable with meself.



  • Homebound
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Gannon Querilo (Inlet of Green Cliffs) KasdeyaBlack 6:40:30 pm Drago
Gannon Querilo (Inlet of Green Cliffs) KasdeyaBlack 6:36:20 pm Drago

Gannon Querilo (Inlet of Green Cliffs) Natalie Blakewell 7:11:19 pm Drago

Gannon Querilo (Inlet of Green Cliffs) AngelicaMoonstar 4:48:22 pm Drago

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Flavia Damone Gannon Querilo 4:04:31 pm City of Ka'zhar

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